To be ignorant of what occurred before you were born is to remain perpetually a child. For what is the worth of a human life unless it is woven into the life of our ancestors by the records of history?
- Marcus Tullius Cicero, 106-43 B.C.

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Holding out on me!

Can you believe that folks? My mother has been holding out on me! My own mother!

As much as she knows I am into the genealogy and loving seeing old pictures she managed to forget to mention the CD that she has. This CD has over 200 pictures of her and her siblings growing up as well as pictures of my Great Grandparents!

I had never seen a picture of my Great Grandfather Henry Voellinger til this past Monday when I learned of said CD.

I tried transferring all the pictures from the CD to my SD card, but alas the pictures are in a format that I literally have to send each one individually to my email. It is going to take sometime but I have hope that by next Monday I should have all the pictures on my own computer. Sadly my computer is a netbook (which I adore) but it has no CD drive so I can't just pop it in there and upload them that way.

So I shall return sooner than later I hope with some great pictures to share!


Monday, June 18, 2012

Edward Roy McCormick

Edward Roy McCormick
b. September 15, 1928
d. July 15, 1946

My Great Uncle. The only boy. Died just 2 months shy of his 18th birthday.

An Army man. The pride and joy, how I wish I could have met him.

From what I know this is the only picture that my Grandma has of him, and of course I requested to see said picture. Wait about 2 weeks and I got to see it this past weekend. God, is he handsome or what!

So as per my Grandma, again this is the only picture we have of Edward. We put it in a "safe" place so we could take it to blow up and get more copies of it (it only a 2x3). Andd go back to my grandparents house to visit the very next day, anddd no one knows where the picture has gone. Head met desk.

The "safe" place apparently wasn't very safe at all. Ehh, maybe it will turn up? Until then this is all that we have. And my Grandpa was all "you don't need to take a picture, I am going to make copies" to me when I was taken the picture of the picture. Good thing I insisted that I take one.

I'm going to contact my cousin from that side of the family to see if she might have any pictures of Edward. I'm hoping she will.


Thursday, June 14, 2012

1940 Census

As you all know the 1940 census was released recently, I was fortunate enough to find my Grandpa Joe on the census! Really didn't expect to find much when I was going through it all, but indeed I did!

1940 census as you can see I high lighted his name is pink
Its pretty

Grandpa Joe's is listed as a boarder. Passed from my Grandfather to my mother the story goes that during The Great Depression, his parents couldn't afford the children so they were sent into Foster Care..maybe it wasn't Foster Care, but from what I know they were not living with their parents, and this is the proof that I have. From other stories I have heard Grandpa Joe did not have a pleasant time living with this other family.

As for my lack of posting Monday I got some rather unfortunate news and I am still trying to work through dealing with it all. It is a process and going to take time, so I am not sure how much I am going to be around. Still on my quest for answers with Genealogy, but going at a slower pace than I was now.

Please send all the prayers and good vibes you can, we surely need them at this time.


Saturday, June 9, 2012


Maybe Monday I will post again.

My lovely daughter caught a stomach bug from daycare on Wednesday and was nice enough to share that nasty bug with me yesterday and then last night my nephew and sister ended up getting it too. So needless to say I am up to my elbows in throw up and other unsightly bodily functions.

I feel like my moms house and my apartment need to be fully sterilized. Like utterly covered in germs. Bad germs too.

Maybe Monday I will be healed enough? Or Monday could bring some really terrible news..we shall see ehh?


Tuesday, June 5, 2012


Why do people focus on the most stupid, petty little things.

For the life of me, I can not figure this out. I'm just in a cross mood this morning. Actually been in it really since last Thursday and I'm not sure when I will be able to truly pull myself out of it.

I have hope. Hope for Monday or Tuesday to bring awesomely good news, but I am expecting the worst and I am already not taken it well.

Life man. Sucks most times.

You won't see me posting at all this week. I'll return when I can, for now I just can't.
