To be ignorant of what occurred before you were born is to remain perpetually a child. For what is the worth of a human life unless it is woven into the life of our ancestors by the records of history?
- Marcus Tullius Cicero, 106-43 B.C.

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Family Name Mystery finally solved?

I'm still not too sure.

This is what George had to say about 'Dick' Wurzer:
"If you look at the obit for your g-grandfather, you will see that he's referred to as "Dick".  I never knew him by any other name, except another nickname of "Charcoal".  He drove truck for Flower City Charcoal Co.  It's possible that his dad was named Richard, but I've not really looked at the Wurzer family."

 And this is said obit:

.....            *Insert Obit when computer is off rag*           .....                   

Ladies and Gentlemen, unfortunately this what happens when you run a live blog... computers malfunction cuz they enjoy being annoying moody at certain times, and we have to take things in stride and laugh about it...

And so the family mystery still remains possibly Albert Wurzer was middle name Richard? Somehow I don't think that - his family was big on the name Leonard and several of his bothers were named and middle named that, and I could be wrong but I am pretty certain that, Leonard was in fact his middle name.
Who knows, I'm probably wrong.

Believe me I will update this misunderstanding between computer and master owner is cleared up. But until then I leave you on the edge of your seats I am sure.


Tuesday, December 4, 2012


Two emails in one day, and that my friends is how genealogy is done.
You see after getting that reply to my post the fire was sparked once again and my thirst for answers returned. I scrounged the Internet for possible matches to my Joseph Maeder of Rochester, NY; not much was to be found, but there was another person looking for the same Joseph Maeder as me. It is such a rush putting yourself out there asking for help from possible relatives. I love it, they hold imaginary family secrets for me and a hope that I may know more.

But I digress; I left my last blog post (and I am going off memory as I have no internet connection so bare with me) I talked of my awakening from my genealogy coma. I had received a reply to a post I had made on the Ancestry message boards of Surnames. I inquired about the last name Maeder. As I have mentioned my Great Grandmother on my paternal side was Luella Maeder and I have up until recently hit a major brick wall with her. I have been able to find nothing but questions about her. I found her on the 1900, 1905, and 1910 census listed as living with her Grandfather James Dunn(e). But nothing about her parents. 

George replied to my post saying that his (again going on memory..) Great Uncle Joseph Maeder had a daughter Luella Maeder. My Great Grandmother! George said how he knew my Great Grandfather, Dick Wurzer. He said how he used to deliver charcoal to his family in the winter. 

In all my searches I have never come across a Dick Wurzer so my interest is highly peeked. And even more so because my fathers middle name is Richard and so I have been told that he was named after a Grandfather, but like I said I have never come across a Richard yet. 

Tonight I emailed George back questioning who Dick Wurzer was. My thoughts are that he could possibly be my Great Great Grandfather. I am a young-in when it comes to genealogy, not many people my age care. But I do. I will be 25 this coming May. Anyroad, I am excited to hear back from him, he could hold so much family history to share with me. I would love to be able to call my dad and say, Hey I know who you are named after! How awesome. 

You would think I would be able to ask my Dads parents, but they can't remember.
So George is my hope. I would love to know if he knows more about Luella or Albert too.
There is a lot of hope in my heart tonight, and for that I am thankful. I don't have much right now, so this means a lot to me.


Sunday, December 2, 2012

Just HAD to share!

Since being awakened from genealogy coma I came across an archive of the Kodak Magazine, from July 1920 where Hazel "Mader" won the shoe race.

Kodak Magazine

It's down a little bit, and very easy to miss so thank you to whoever invited the 'find' button in Firefox!

And if I haven't mentioned it before, Hazel was my Great Grandmother Luella's sister! So that would make her my Great Great Aunt?


Ding Dong - IM ALIVE!

Terrible terrible blogger ehhh? I won't bore you with the small details of my boring busy life.

A simple email has made my break my silence.

Scrolling through my ridiculous inbox I happened to notice a little ole email with the subject: "Message Boards: A reply has been posted to..." and if you have ever posted on Ancestry's message boards then you should have recognized that it was a message from them, well I did...hehe

Curiosity certainly killed that cat, cuz I had to open it at that moment. Memories of the posts I had made on the message boards flashed through my head, I was even more excited to see that it was a reply to a message that I specifically had made myself about the Maeder family.

That brick wall is not so solid anymore.

From the reply on my post I have learned that Luella's father was definitely Joseph Maeder, if you recall I had no idea of Joseph Maeder up until recently, because Luella is only found on the 1900, 1905, and 1910 census as living with her Grandfather, James Dunn(e). Tricky tricky, but I am that much closer to finding information.

Of course I will report back all that I learn.

Thanks if you still have been popping in to check on me. And if you are really curious as to what I have been up to, let me know and I will be more than happy to post about my busy boring life.



Friday, August 3, 2012


Yes indeed I have been missing. Missing indeed.

Life happened. The storm hit and with fierce powerful blows. Cancerous blows to be exact.

Cancer. It sucks major balls. In late May my grandmother "discovered" the lumps. The lumps that would shape the coming weeks. Then in early June it was confirmed that our worst suspicions were in fact reality. It was hard, I had so much worry and research. Research is my thing. My security blanket if you will. When faced with the big and bad I turn to research. I quiet literally drown myself in it actually. I feel that if I know everything I possibly can about whatever topic it may be that I feel slightly better. It can't intimidate me too bad if I know everything about it. Right?

I had to take a step back from genealogy, there wasn't enough time for everything I needed to do.

I digress; I am so unbelievably thankful and ecstatic to be able to come back and type the words I am about to.

June 26, 2012: "Cancer. Free."

Two words. And they meant the world to me. Still do. Even now I can't think of that moment without tearing up. Life knows exactly how to hit you where it's really going to kill, but at the same time life won't take you to where you can't go.

And yes I mean that faithfully.

So I'm back baby. I needed that break and I'm better now because of it. What should be has been restored, and that is how it should be.

My grandmother is a rock star, and I love her so much. She is the sweetest woman, and has always been there for me. And I mean always.

Here's to you Dee, I love you!!!


Monday, July 23, 2012

Don't have much to add. I've had a lot of stress. But I wanted to come share my little, she started her 2nd dance class yesterday and uhh I just can not believe how grown up she is!

She took her first 5 week session of Introduction To Dance: tots back in February, she was only 2 1/1 years old so although she was excited and wanted to go each week she didn't really par take during the class. hehe. She was also the youngest in the that probably had something to do with it. Every girl in the class was at least 3 years old so everyone was at least 6 months older than her. Since the last session ended in April she has been talking about dance class and wanting to go back. We've been practicing too. She is so adorable doing her different moves. During the break in between sessions she has even mastered doing a somersault by herself!

So yesterday we made our way back to the studio for her second sessions of Introduction To Dance: tots. Andd believe me she was 100% in her glory! All smiles, even was mad we had to wait in the car for a little bit when we got there too early and the studio wasn't even open yet.

Andd the big most exciting news not only was she super stoked to be back at dance class, she joined in with everything! Showing off her awesome somersault ability. Her teacher commented how she was super flexible and was impressed she could do that by herself already. My big will turn 3 years old in 5 weeks I just have no idea where this time has gone.

Sorry for the shameless post. Enjoy.


Tuesday, July 3, 2012

My Word Is Good


I emailed myself my favorite pictures. I am going to share one with you today.

Grandpa Joe with his collection of lanterns

I just love this picture.


Monday, July 2, 2012

Great Weekend

So I didn't get to the pictures. Not that big of a surprise to me. I'll be at my moms later tonight so I hoping to get at least my favorite pictures sent to my email. There are a few that I just love so much, like my grandpa Joe and his collection of lanterns!

I met my cousin, Lynda for the first time yesterday. We were guided to each other when I first started my genealogy hunt and finally after a few months of back and forth emailing we met. It was really amazing, a lot of tears were spilled by both of us. It was just an emotional day, getting to meet someone I had no idea existed and then hearing stories of my 2x Great Grandparents. Stories that would be lost without Lynda.

Lynda filled me in on the family religion and what different things mean. It was truly just so amazing. I will be forever grateful that she wanted to meet with me, and I see more visits in our future. She talked about me and my daughter visiting at her house and us going through old pictures. That would be just amazing, I know I keep using that word to describe our meeting, but there literally isn't a better word to describe how I was feeling the entire time. Just cloud 9.

She took me to my 2x Great Grandparents graves. The graves I have looked for on different times and honestly I would have never found them without her showing me. I plan to return to pay my respects. Like I have mentioned before the family were practicing Jews, Lynda still is a practicing Jew and she taught me quite a bit. Did you know when visiting a Jewish grave you do not bring flowers ever, you bring stones. Stones to leave on the tombstone to represent that you were there paying your respect. Boggles my mind.

There was just so much that we talked about, I am honestly still processing it all so I am sure over the next few days I will have post after post of me just talking about Lynda.

What did you do this weekend?


Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Holding out on me!

Can you believe that folks? My mother has been holding out on me! My own mother!

As much as she knows I am into the genealogy and loving seeing old pictures she managed to forget to mention the CD that she has. This CD has over 200 pictures of her and her siblings growing up as well as pictures of my Great Grandparents!

I had never seen a picture of my Great Grandfather Henry Voellinger til this past Monday when I learned of said CD.

I tried transferring all the pictures from the CD to my SD card, but alas the pictures are in a format that I literally have to send each one individually to my email. It is going to take sometime but I have hope that by next Monday I should have all the pictures on my own computer. Sadly my computer is a netbook (which I adore) but it has no CD drive so I can't just pop it in there and upload them that way.

So I shall return sooner than later I hope with some great pictures to share!


Monday, June 18, 2012

Edward Roy McCormick

Edward Roy McCormick
b. September 15, 1928
d. July 15, 1946

My Great Uncle. The only boy. Died just 2 months shy of his 18th birthday.

An Army man. The pride and joy, how I wish I could have met him.

From what I know this is the only picture that my Grandma has of him, and of course I requested to see said picture. Wait about 2 weeks and I got to see it this past weekend. God, is he handsome or what!

So as per my Grandma, again this is the only picture we have of Edward. We put it in a "safe" place so we could take it to blow up and get more copies of it (it only a 2x3). Andd go back to my grandparents house to visit the very next day, anddd no one knows where the picture has gone. Head met desk.

The "safe" place apparently wasn't very safe at all. Ehh, maybe it will turn up? Until then this is all that we have. And my Grandpa was all "you don't need to take a picture, I am going to make copies" to me when I was taken the picture of the picture. Good thing I insisted that I take one.

I'm going to contact my cousin from that side of the family to see if she might have any pictures of Edward. I'm hoping she will.


Thursday, June 14, 2012

1940 Census

As you all know the 1940 census was released recently, I was fortunate enough to find my Grandpa Joe on the census! Really didn't expect to find much when I was going through it all, but indeed I did!

1940 census as you can see I high lighted his name is pink
Its pretty

Grandpa Joe's is listed as a boarder. Passed from my Grandfather to my mother the story goes that during The Great Depression, his parents couldn't afford the children so they were sent into Foster Care..maybe it wasn't Foster Care, but from what I know they were not living with their parents, and this is the proof that I have. From other stories I have heard Grandpa Joe did not have a pleasant time living with this other family.

As for my lack of posting Monday I got some rather unfortunate news and I am still trying to work through dealing with it all. It is a process and going to take time, so I am not sure how much I am going to be around. Still on my quest for answers with Genealogy, but going at a slower pace than I was now.

Please send all the prayers and good vibes you can, we surely need them at this time.


Saturday, June 9, 2012


Maybe Monday I will post again.

My lovely daughter caught a stomach bug from daycare on Wednesday and was nice enough to share that nasty bug with me yesterday and then last night my nephew and sister ended up getting it too. So needless to say I am up to my elbows in throw up and other unsightly bodily functions.

I feel like my moms house and my apartment need to be fully sterilized. Like utterly covered in germs. Bad germs too.

Maybe Monday I will be healed enough? Or Monday could bring some really terrible news..we shall see ehh?


Tuesday, June 5, 2012


Why do people focus on the most stupid, petty little things.

For the life of me, I can not figure this out. I'm just in a cross mood this morning. Actually been in it really since last Thursday and I'm not sure when I will be able to truly pull myself out of it.

I have hope. Hope for Monday or Tuesday to bring awesomely good news, but I am expecting the worst and I am already not taken it well.

Life man. Sucks most times.

You won't see me posting at all this week. I'll return when I can, for now I just can't.


Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Tombstone Tuesday: Luzius & Sophia Voellinger (Yost)

Luzius Voellinger
b. July 1855 in Fulda, Germany
d. December 9, 1918

Sophia Voellinger (Yost)
b. October 1859 in Fulda, Germany
d. November 18, 1921

Luzius and Sophia are buried in Holy Sepulchre Cemetery in Rochester, NY


Friday, May 25, 2012


Very annoyed with Ancestry. Seems to be a reoccuring theme, huh?

There are 2 members with Luzius Voellinger as being on their family tree with photos and several sources and what not that I would lovee to even just talk to them, I'm not upset about not being able to see their tree. That is a personal decision to share or not to, but the fact that I can not even contact them because I am not a paying member really gets to me.

I wish there was a way around this, I would just love to talk to this one woman. She probably has so much information that I could learn about my family, and yet I am brick walled in the most horrible way. I KNOW she knows stuff that I can only dream of knowing but of course I have no way to contact her. I have replied to her message board posts but she must not frequent them anymore, because she doesn't reply to me.

Very annoyed, it is time for to step out of genealogy and jump into a book to take my mind off this terrible annoyance!


Transferring Focus

I can already tell this is going to be a post where I bounce around, so my hope for you is to be able to follow where I am headed.

In the past weeks I have mainly kept my focus on the Sadick side trying to gather and piece together as much information as I can possibly can. But yesterday during a couple searches I ran across some information about Sophia Voellinger (Yost) my 2x Great Grandmother, so today I going to try to dig up anything else that I can.

It is so weird how one minute you can be focusing on one thing and then the next you onto something completely different, all stemming from one random thought. Very odd.

Yesterday I discovered that my 2x Great Grandfather, Sophia's husband "Louis" well of course his name was Americanized. His correct spelling is Luzius! Doesn't shock me in the least bit I am sure his last name Voellinger, was Americanized as well.

Another bs post I'm afraid I didn't get far with my research unfortunately. I'm hoping to find either Sophia or Luzius on a ship manifest. I am planning a trip to the library tomorrow so hopefully I will be able to find something else there. For now I will leave you again with the most gorgeous little girl that I know!


Wednesday, May 23, 2012


I have come across many surnames in my genealogy search so far, and I am only 1+ month into my quest. I can only imagine when I am 1+ year what else I might uncover! But today I want to focus on the surnames I have come across and what they mean and where they originate from.

I know no one really cares it is more for my own personal use than for anything else. So feel free to ignore this if you wish to.

I am not going to go into detail which side and from who the surname comes from cause honestly I see myself getting very confused in the midst of it bear with me. I have pulled majority of my research from The Internet Surname Database, amazing resource! And then the rest I have come by from trusty Google.

Wurzer: German
One who sold vegetables?

Meader: English
Recorded in the spellings of Mead, Meade, Medd, Meads, Meder, Meader, and Meaders, this is an English surname. It has two possible and distinct origins. The first and most likely, being an English topographical name from residence by a 'mede or mead' The derivation being from the pre 7th Century word "moed", the later medieval "mede", and describing a water meadow or specifically land which was flooded with water in winter , but used for grazing in summer. The second possibility is that the name originated as a metonymic occupational name for a brewer or seller of "Mead". This fermented beverage made from honey and water, often with spices added, was the popular drink of the Middle Ages.
McCormick: Old Gaelic (Scottish and Irish) with variant spellings MacCormack, Cormick etc., is an Anglicized form of the Old Gaelic (Scottish and Irish) patronymic MacCormaig i.e., "son of Cormac", a personal name from the early Celtic "corb-mac" meaning "chariot lad" or "charioteer".

Sadick: English
Beofre English spelling was standardiszed a few hudred years ago, spelling variations of names were a commone occurrence. Elements of Latin, French and other languages became incorportated into English through the Middle Ages, and name spellings changed even among the literate. The variations of the surname Sadick include Sedgewick, Sedgewicke, Sedwick and many more.
Blacka: Scottish and English
This very old and famous surname, equally popular in Scotland and England, has at least two possible origins, the first being a nickname given by the invading Angles and Saxons to the native Celts and Britons who were darker-haired and darker-skinned than themselves. There is an ancient fable that Wulfricus Niger, otherwise known as Wulfric the Black circa 980, received his name after blackening his face in order to pass undetected through his enemies. The second possible origin is as a shortened form of Black-Smith, a worker in cold metals, as distinct from a White (Smith), one who worked in hot metals. The surname was popular in Scotland from the 15th Century. Adam Black of Edinburgh (1784 - 1874), a publisher, acquired the rights to the Encyclopedia Britannica in 1827. No less than ten Coats of Arms were granted to families of this name. Those borne by Gilbert Black, Dean of the Guild of Aberdeen (1672), depict a black saltire between a red mullet in chief and a red crescent in base, on a silver shield with a black chief. A demi lion proper is on the Crest, and the Motto, "Non Crux, sed lux", translates as, "Not the cross, but its light".

Gross: German
Recorded in many forms including Gros, Gross, Grose, Grosse, Groz, Groos, and compounds such as Grossbauer, Grooskopf, Grosman, Groseman and Grossman, this is a surname recorded in the British Isles over many centuries, but essentially of Germanic pre 6th century origins. Gross means big or large, and in most cases with the surname it originally meant what it says. For example as Grossman, this could indicate either a big man, or more likely a friend or servant of a person called Gross. Compound surnames were not necessarily descriptive at all, they were often purely ornamental. As such they were given either to refugees from foreign parts, Germany being considered for centuries the most liberal part of Europe, or sometimes to people who had a very popular name like Schmit or Schmidt. This name was even more popular than in the British Isles and the government encouraged nameholders to adopt other identifiable names, of which this is a good example.

Doucet: French
French language surname, especially popular in Canada, the former area of Acadia in particular (now Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Prince Edward Island, and parts of Quebec and New England. A common variant in spelling is "Doucette". Most Doucets in Canada pronounce their surname as "DOU-set" or "Dou-SET", rather than "Dou-SAY" as modern French might require. Some argue this pronuciation may derive from dialects of sixteenth century French such as was found in Brittany, a common origin of French-Canadian settlers; however Dou-SAY is the most popular pronunciation among Cajuns in Louisiana.
Comeau: French
The Comeau surname is considered topographic. These names were mainly given to individuals in regard to their location. So, the surname Comeau would have been given to an individual livling in a combe, a valley.
Arsenault: Russian originally from Greek
This surname of ARSENAULT was a Russian baptismal name, originally from the Greek given name ARSENI, meaning 'virile, masculine'.

Hachae-Gall: ????

Maethot: ????

David: Hebrew?
This famous medieval surname is recorded in over one hundred spellings, and found throughout Europe. These include examples such as Daud, Dewi, and Taffe, through to patronymics Davidge, Davidovich, and Davitashvili. It owes its popularlity to the Hebrew male given name "David" meaning "beloved", which as a given name has always been very popular with both the Jews and the Christians. The reasons are rather confused, but essentially the original King David, regarded as the greatest of the early kings of Israel, is held upto be a popular hero by both races. The popularity of the name throughout Europe followed the famous "crusades" of the 11th and 12th centuries, when successive generations of kings mounted expeditions to save the Holy Land for Christianity. All were unsuccessful, but returning soldiers and pilgrims fired by their experiences, gave biblical names to their children in commemoration of their father's exploits. David was one of the most popular.

Lenormand: Olde English
This interesting name originated either as an ethnic byname for Scandinavian settlers in England, who came to be known as Northmen or Normen, from the Olde English "Northmann" (plural "Northmenn"), meaning "men from the North", or as a post - Conquest name for someone from Normandy in the North of France. The derivation in this case is from the Old French "Normand" or "Normant", a Norman. Many of these Normans were themselves originally of Scandinavian origin, which makes for an interesting re-introduction of the name into England. The personal byname Norman, with its Latinized form "Normannus", was recorded in the Domesday Book of 1086, and continued in popularity as a personal name throughout the subsequent Centuries. in the modern idiom the surname can be found spelt as Normand, Normant and Lenormand.

Bioselle: ????

Le Laboureurer: ????

Bardin: Anglo-Saxton English

Chartrae: ????
The nationality of Chartray may be very difficult to determine because regional boundaries change over time, leaving the nation of origin indeterminate. The original ethnicity of Chartray may be difficult to determine as result of whether the name came about naturally and independently in various locales; for example, in the case of surnames that come from a craft, which can crop up in multiple countries independently (such as the name "Miller" which referred to the profession of working in a mill).

Rancin: Scottish

Hallae: English
The Hall surname has several possible derivations: First a place name derived from various words for "large house," usually used to signify someone who lived in or worked in a hall or manor house. Second from the Norse hale and Anglo-Saxon haele, meaning "hero." Third possibly an old Norse word for "boulder, slope," thus meaning someone who lived on a slope. And last but not least possibly from the Norwegian hallr, meaning "flint."

Conflans: ????

Chaignot: French

Roisser: ????

Maranda: ????
This is a locational name recorded in the spellings of Miranda, Mirando, and Amiranda. It can be from any of the various places called 'Miranda' in Spain, Catalonia, and Portugal. The placename and hence the surname, derives from the Roman (Latin) "mirandus" meaning "wondrous" or "lovely", but in the context of a village translates as "the admired place". It is also possible that in some instances the surname derives from the north eastern Spanish "miralla" meaning a watchtower or look out post. The surname in the spelling of 'Morando' is frequently recorded in the registers of St. Mary's church, Woolnoth, London, from the mid 16th Century onwards, an example being Clement Morando who was a witness there on May 17th 1565.

Valet: French

Huard: English

When the final definitive history of famous English surnames is written, the surname of Howard will surely be near the head of the list. There are two possible derivations for the name; it may derive from the Norman personal names "Huard", and "Heward", introduced into England after the Conquest of 1066, and adopted from a Germanic name composed of the elements "hug", heart, mind, spirit, with "hard", hardy, brave, strong; or it may derive from the Anglo-Scandinavian personal name "Haward", composed of the Old Norse elements "ha", high and "varthr", guardian. The names "Huardus, Huart" and "Houardus", all appear in the Domesday Book of 1086. In the modern idiom, the surname has many variant spellings, ranging from Howerd and Heward and Huard.

Alain: Celtic
In Celtic, the name Alain means- Variant of Alan: Harmony, stone, or noble. Also fair, handsome. Originally a saints name, it was reintroduced to Britain during the Norman Conquest, remained popular throughout the Middle Ages, and was revived in the 19th century.. Other origins for the name Alain include - Celtic, French, French, Gaelic, English.The name Alain is most often used as a boy name or male name.

Glazier: Angelo-Saxon
This unusual surname, of Anglo-Saxon origin, is an occupational name for a glazier or glass blower, deriving from the Olde English pre 7th Century "glats" meaning "glass", with the addition of the agent suffix '-er'. Job descriptive surnames originally denoted the actual occupation of the namebearer and later became hereditary.

LeCouffe: ????

Bourre: ????

Ferlatte: ????

Laviolette: French

Savoye: French

Voellinger: ????

Rath: Oriya
Rath or Rathasharma are Utkala Brahmins having Atreya or Krishnatreya gotra.The surname in ancient days were given according to gotra and the speciality of the job done by brahmin scholars.They especially specialise the Vikriti Paatha of Shukla Yajurveda and Rigveda which is Ratha Patha.The Veda can be recited in 11 different ways among which 3 are prakruti and rest 7 are Vikruti.

Palagia: ????

Grunwald: German or Swedish
This interesting name is a dialectal variant derivation from either the German "Grunwalde or Grunwald" or the Swedish "Grounval", the translation being "the dweller in green forest". There are over one hundred medieval Germanic surnames commencing with the prefix "Grun" or the later "Gron", (green) all are askenazic and replace original hebrew etymology or were names "imposed" by the authorities to ensure easy identification. These "topographical" surnames include examples such as Grunbaum (Greentree), Grinberg (green hill), Gruengras (Greengrass) Grunwald, Grunwall, and Grinvald (all green forest).

Bauman: German
This interesting and long-established surname is of early medieval German origin, and is either a status name for a small farmer or a nickname meaning "neighbour, fellow citizen". The derivation is from the German "Bauer" (Middle High German, "(ge)bur"), ultimately from the Old High German "giburo". The Middle High German word denoted an occupier of a bur, a small dwelling or cottage; hence, "neighbour, fellow citizen", but this word later fell together with the Middle High German "buwaeere", an agent noun from the Old High German "buan", to cultivate (the land), thereby denoting a peasant farmer, one who depends on either cottage industry or agricultural labour as a means of subsistence.

Wimmer: English
Recorded today in the spellings of Wimlett, Wimlet, Wimmer, Wimmers, and Wymer, but originally only recorded in the latter spelling, this is a very rare English surname. However spelt it is a derivative form of the pre 7th century Anglo-Saxon personal name 'Wigmar' or the slightly later Breton 'Wimarch'. The former was a name brought from Germany in the 6th century, and the latter an 'introduction' by the Norman-French at the 1066 Invasion of England. The Anglo-Saxon name translates as 'war-famous' and the latter 'worthy-horse', both suitable names for 'invaders'. However after the 12th century they became assimilated in a single form of 'Wymer', firstly as a personal name and then itself a popular surname. A short form of 'Wim' developed as a personal name in the 14th century, and from this developed the later surname forms with the addition of the diminutive suffix ending 'et(t)', or sometimes 'ot(t). Both are short versions of the French word 'petit' to give a translation of 'Little Wim' or perhaps 'son of Wim'.

Marker: ????

Kohler: German
This is a German surname of early medieval origins. Recorded in a variety of spellings including Kahler, Kohler, Kohlert and Kohlerman, it was originally either an occupational name for a charcoal maker, and later a collier or more likely an owner of coal mines, or it was a locational surname of landowning origins, from a place called Koler. Curiously the word as kohl or kohle was used to describes a cabbage grower, whilst the topgraphical surnames Kohlheim and Kohlhof can mean either cabbage hamlet or house or coal hamlet or house. Occupational surnames, although amongst the first to be created, only became hereditary if a son continued in the same occupation as the father.

Arnold: Olde German and Anglo-Saxton

This ancient and distinguished surname, recorded in over fifty spellings, is usually of Olde German and Anglo-Saxon origins. It derives from a baptismal compound personal name Ernault or Arnolt, of which the elements are "arn", meaning an eagle, and "wald", to rule. The name spread rapidly throughout Northern Europe in the period known as "The dark ages", roughly between the 6th and 11th centuries a.d., and following the fall of the Roman Empire. There are now many different spellings of the surname and examples include Arnhold, Arnout, Arnatt, Erni, Harnett, Arnould, Arnaud, Ahrend, Arnaudi, Arlett, Arnaudin, Arnaiz, Arents and many others. The first country in the world to adopt hereditary surnames as we know them today was England, where they were first used, although only by the nobility or clergy, after the Norman-French Invasion of 1066. In the year 1086 the Normans completed a survey of the country known as the Domesday Book, this being the first gazetter of its kind ever produced.  

Iederer: ????

Kastner: German

Meunier: French
Noble surnames, such as Meunier, evoke images of the ancient homeland of the French people. The Meunier surname may be a local surname, that is, a name derived from the name of a place where they once lived, or held land. The meunienr family name is thought to have frives from Meunet, a town in the department of Indre, in the district of Issouidun. It has been suggested that Meunier may have been an offupational name for a miller, deriving from the word "meuiner" or "mounier", in Olde French.

As you can see, there is a LOT. I listed Paternal surnames in blue and Maternal surnames in purple. Can you tell which side I have had the most luck with? I can go fairly far back on my Maternal side. 

I feel that ya'll should know that this post took me over an hour and half to complete this post, and in all reality it is not finished. A few surnames I was never able to find anything about! Grrrrr! Another time perhaps.


Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Tombstone Tuesday: Henry & Mary Voellinger (Rath)

Henry Elmer
1898 - 1980
(b. September 2, 1898 in NY
d. December 22, 1980)
My Maternal Great Grandfather

Mary M. (Rath)
1906 - 1988
(b. October 19, 1906
d. August 8, 1988)
My Maternal Great Grandmother, passed away only months after my birth

Your both forever missed.

They are buried in Holy Sepulchre Cemetery in Rochester, NY


Monday, May 21, 2012


What a complete and total bust. Waste of time in fact.

Weeks ago I emailed NYC National Archives in hopes that they may have records of Nathan and Leah's immigration to the US or even neutralization records for either of them. No dice. Or at least not that branch. I am going to email a different branch because they hold the records for such after the time period of 1906. Nathan and Leah came over in 1904 so if they do have neutralization records they are most definitely not going to be before 1906!

All in all I guess it was not a complete bust, or waste of time because now I know who to contact for the correct information if it is out there. And hopefully it is. Just going to take another couple of weeks.

I wish I could write more but I am afraid this weeks post are going to be slim to none. Friday I sliced my hand cleaning the kitchen sink so I have 6 ugly stitches in my right hand. Of course my dominant hand, in a place that makes typing and basically anything else rather difficult. Don't worry next week I will be right back at it, just need to get these nasty things out of my hand.

As Boyfriend says I am Sally for now. God, I love Sally.

Sally from Nightmare Before Christmas but of course. See the resemblance?

Moral of the story, cleaning a kitchen sink is a rather dangerous business. Just leave it dirty. Bahahaha!


Friday, May 18, 2012

Back to the cemetery I go

I am heading back to the cemetery. I am going to find Nathan and Leah. I do not plan on having my daughter so that will free up a heck of a lot more time for me to search, and from what family members have described to me I definitely have a better idea of where they are.

Not much else has been going on. I have read literally 5 books in the past week, it is a series and seriously can.not.put.the.Kindle.down!

And the weather has been amazing. Literally gorgeous out. Not hot, but so gorgeous where you feel like you could live outside.

I know this post is a bs one, but what if I leave you with 2 pictures of the most gorgeous little girl I know!

Don't mind the scratch just under her eye. It gives her charter right? Well it does until I tell you how she got it, haha. She is a wild sleeper and often wakes with face wounds from her wild nights. This child is something let me tell you, and she is one of the biggest motivations I have for Genealogy! When she comes to me wondering where our ancestors came from I want to be able to tell her without so much of a second thought!

After I am satisifed with my research on my side of the family I am going to explore her fathers side of the family for her.


Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Trapped in books..

Can't get out.

Must get back to book...

Maybe tomorrow I'll write. Haha, seriously you have no idea how badly I get sucked into books. Boyfriend lent me his Kindle...just added gas to the fire!


Monday, May 14, 2012

Mystery Monday: Nathan Sadick

Please forgive me, I am having a terrible time trying to save these newspaper articles to my desktop to get them here. So I have resorted to doing a screen shot of them, which of course then makes the quality of the newspaper article terrible so of course you can not read it what so ever. But I will carry on with my quest but also transcribe what they say so you can see.

Toady's mystery is none other than Nathan Sadick of course! As I mentioned in my last post I have come across several newspaper articles spanning from January 1922 - February 1935 about Nathan having court dates? I am rather confused by it all (hence the mystery).

I have asked cousin Lynda if she knew anything, but she didn't. I think it might have to do with Nathan's business? Probably not. I will most likely never know exactly, maybe I will. Who knows.

As you can see I circled where Nathan is in the paper andddd his last name is spelled Sadek! WTH!! Head meet desk please. Any road, this is what it says:

"Court Proceedings
Monroe County

Calendar For To-Day"

Further down where I have circled it then says

"Stephen Rauber vs Nathan Sadek and ano-- Jas M E O'Grady for plff"

This was Saturday, January 14, 1922

This was from Monday, February 25, 1935

This one is also harder for me to understand because I just don't know! I believe Nathan's information is under "City Court"

Again I have circled where his name appears and it says:

"Nathan Sadick v Jacob Kowal"

Anyone got any ideas? I have the actual links to the articles if anyone would like to see if they can crack these codes or find more information. I will keep trying, but I am getting no where fast with it all unfortunately. 


Friday, May 11, 2012

More Quiet

Not much to report.

I have been sucked into my books lately. I have an addiction to reading and often times I get sucked in and can not for the life of me find a way to stop reading.

Hopefully I will find my way out of the books this weekend and onto some stuff.

I have found a few newspaper articles in Rochester about Nathan being involved in court; court for what? I am not sure, but in the coming weeks I hope to be able to answer that question.

Oh and tomorrow is my birthday :) shameless plug I know, but those are the real reasons I won't be around til monday at the earliest.

So happy 24th birthday to me. And Happy Mothers to all the mothers out there, as well as me again!


Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Mystery solved??


I guess as much as I might be able to solve it at this time. Like I talked about in my Military Monday: Nathan Sadek post I found a WWI draft registration card for Nathan Sadek (?) of course this brought lots of questions about whether or not he was in WWI, how the heck is his last name ACTUALLY spelled, and many more. So I emailed my 3rd cousin 2x removed who actually knew Nathan when he was living to see if she could answer some of my questions and with what she told me I am confident that I have pieced together some actual information from this card.

I am 99.99% confident that it is in fact my 2x Great Grandfathers draft registration card. Lynda (the cousin) told me "..I can say that from all the old stories, this very religious man would have never served. His spoken English was not very good as his wife's English was also very broken. And I do not think that he could read English either. Grandma Leah never learned to read nor write in English either. Their lives revolved around Judaism and Yiddish was the language of choice..."

After a simple Google search about WWI draft registration cards I found this information "...Visitors to the U.S. and non-citizens were required to register, but were exempt from induction into the army. Virtually all the men required to register.." on RootsWeb. So Nathan definitely had to fill one out, but because at that time he was not a US citizen he was automatically exempt.

Because of what Lynda told me about Nathan's academics it leads me to believe that Nathan did not fill out the registration card himself. Maybe a friend of the family or one of the children did? Either way this could account for the last name being spelled wrong. Maybe he did not know how to spell it in English and gave the wrong spelling?

What really convenienced me that this was my 2x Great Grandfather's draft registration card was when Lynda told me this "..he owned a Dry-Cleaning shop and a tailoring Shop (all in one)..." on the draft registration card it lists Nathan's occupation as a tailor. Sealed the deal. Definitely his.

Very cool. I am off to search for some information about Nathan's Dry-Cleaning/Tailoring shop. Wish me luck, this should be an interesting search. Haha.


Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Lucille Francis Gross (Voellinger)

Lucille Francis Gross (Voellinger)
My Maternal Grandmother

b. May 1, 1928
d. October 1982

Here is she at her Graduation in June of 1946, she was 18 years old. I wish I got to meet her, but I blessed my daughter with Lucille as her middle name.

She is so beautiful.


Monday, May 7, 2012

Military Monday: Nathan Sadek

I first must give thanks to my local public library for having a membership to Ancestry because without them I would have not found this.

Nathan "Sadek" WWI draft registration card

So cool. I wish I knew more about this. Anyone have any idea what it means? Was he in WWI?

And now more than ever I seem to be at a peak of confusion about his last name. Is it Sadick or Sadek?? Which is correct. I know without a doubt that the last name was "Americanized" when they came over, just like his first name which is really, Naftali. Just makes me wonder if I will ever have this 'mysteries' really solved.

Off to email a cousin who knew Nathan personally to see if maybe she can shed some light.


Friday, May 4, 2012

Funeral Card Friday: Ann Helen McCormick (Sadick)

Ann Helen McCormick (Sadick)
b. January 13, 1910
d. August 28, 2002

My Great Grandmother
Wish I could say that I knew her well and we were close. I was young.

(left to right) Great Grandma Ann and my Grandmother Delores

Miss you Great Grandma

ps I know they are terrible quality pictures, I am looking into getting a flatbed scanner.