To be ignorant of what occurred before you were born is to remain perpetually a child. For what is the worth of a human life unless it is woven into the life of our ancestors by the records of history?
- Marcus Tullius Cicero, 106-43 B.C.

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Tombstone Tuesday: Luzius & Sophia Voellinger (Yost)

Luzius Voellinger
b. July 1855 in Fulda, Germany
d. December 9, 1918

Sophia Voellinger (Yost)
b. October 1859 in Fulda, Germany
d. November 18, 1921

Luzius and Sophia are buried in Holy Sepulchre Cemetery in Rochester, NY


1 comment:

  1. Thank you! I found this page when googling Sophia Voellinger. These were my great grandparents. Their son John had a son named John and he was my father. I just recently got into researching my family and until I found your blog I didn't know my great grandfather's name, one census had it as Lizner, another had Lucas! Thank you so much, and good luck to you!
    Tom Voellinger
