Herman was born in 1902 and passed away in 1970, he married a woman named Sarah who was born in 1900 and passed away in 1984. They had 2 children together Phylis and Rosalyn.
Albert was born in 1906 and passed away in 1989 he married Rhea who was born in 1914. Together they had 1 child, who I have yet to find any information about that child.
Gerard I have found the most information about. I even know where he is buried which is only a few blocks from where I am at this exact moment. I plan to visit his grave at some point. Gerard I Sadick was born August 14, 1914 and passed away October 14, 2006. He married Dorothy who has passed away. Together they had 4 children Neil who married Gail, Lynda who married Ronald Axelrod, Russel who married Dorothy, and Jan who married Nancy. I even know the names of their grandchildren and great grandchildren!
Gerard and wife Dorothy
I can see a family resemblance, or maybe that is just my mind playing tricks on me.
Back to my search...
I have lots of info on the ancestors of Sarah Dunsky, wife of Herman Sadick